About us

About us

Our semi-independent homes are more than just somewhere to live. They bridge the gap between childhood and adulthood so that a young person is prepared for the challenges of living independently.
Some young people refer to leaving care as ‘the instant expectation of adulthood’. They are suddenly expected to know how to cook their own meals, run a home and manage their finances, all in one go and without any support.

Safe, comfortable homes

This is why living in a WS Projects 16+ home before leaving care can be hugely beneficial. We provide safe, comfortable homes for care leavers, homeless teenagers and unaccompanied asylum-seeking children, where they can learn the essential life skills they will need when they transition to independent living.

The type of accommodation we offer varies depending on the young person. However, no matter which one of our supported housing services they live in, staff will always support young people to work towards their goals and build their confidence for the future.